Division of Hospital Medicine

Michael Molineux, MD
Division Chief, Hospital Medicine
The Division of Hospital Medicine is committed to providing excellent patient care through the practice of compassionate and evidence based medicine. We serve the hospital by working collaboratively with other medical professionals and by fostering a culture of safety with a focus on quality improvement and scholarship. We are dedicated to the professional development of our faculty and the growth of future physicians through a commitment to mentorship and education.
Patient Care
Hospitalists are experts at providing care for the hospitalized patient.
It is our goal to provide excellent care from the time of admission to the transition back to the outpatient setting.
Our division is deeply committed to medical education of residents and students.
Hospitalists have served in key leadership roles within the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital internal medicine residency program.
Our division focuses on research that improves the safety and quality of care for the hospitalized patient, health communication, and health care policy.
Our hospitalists currently work with medical residents, medical students, and students from the School of Nursing and Health Studies, providing mentorship and education in hospital based research.
Contact Us
For inquiries, or general information, please contact us. For patient information, please see our Patient Care page.