References: Division of Infectious Diseases

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10. Collier AC, Combs RW, Schoenfeld DA, Bassett RL, Timpone J, Baruch A, Jones M, Facey K, Whitacre C, McAuliffe VJ, Friedman HM, Merigan TC, Reichman RC, Hooper C, Corey L: “Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection with Saquinavir, zidovudine, and zalcitabine. AIDS Clinical Trials Group 229. New Engl J Med. 1996 Apr 18;334(16):1011-7.

11. Japour AJ, Lertora JJ, Meehan PM, Erice A, Connor JD, Griffith BP, Clax PA, Holden-Wiltse J, Hussey S, Walesky M, Cooney E, Pollard R, Timpone J, McLaren C, Johanneson N, Wood K, Booth D, Bassiakos Y, Crumpacker CS: “A Phase-I study of the safety, pharmacokinetics, and antiviral activity of combination didanosine and ribavirin in patients with HIV-1 disease”. AIDS Clinical Trials Group 231. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1996 Nov 1;13(3):235-46.

12. D’Aquila DT, Hughes MD, Johnson VA, Fishchl MA, Sommadossi JP, Liou SH, Timpone JG, Myers M, Basgoz N, Niu M, Hirsch M: “Nevirapine, Zidovudine, and Didanosine Compared with Zidovudine and Didanosine in Patients with HIV-1 Infection”A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Ann Inern Med 1996; 1 24(12): 1019-1030.

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14. Timpone JG, Wright DJ, Li N, Egorin MJ, Enama ME, Mayers J, Galetto G, and the DATRI 004 Study Group: “The Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Single-Agent and Combination Therapy with Megestrol Acetate and Dronabinol for the Treatment of HIV Wasting Syndrome.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 1997: 13(4): 305-315.

15. Timpone J, King J, The Pharmacokinetics of Indinavir, Ritonavir and Efavirenz Abstract: 6th International HIV Pharmacology Workshop, Quebec April 2005.

16. Timpone J, Flume D, Nascone J, Evans B, Kumar P.: Avascular Necrosis in HIV+ Patients a Potential Link to Protease Inhibitors. Abstract 6th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infectious, Chicago, February 1999.

17. Brown T, Ruppe M, Kehoe T, Kumar P, and Timpone J.: The Prevalence of Bone Loss in HIV Infected Patients Receiving HAART. Abstract accepted for presentation at ASBMR, Phoenix, AZ, October 2001.

18. Brown TT, Ruppe MD, Kassner R, Kumar P, Kehoe T, Dobs AS, Timpone JG. Reduced Bone Mineral Density in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients and Its Association with Increased Central Adiposity and Postload Hyperglycemia. J of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2004; 89(3):1200-1206.

19. Tien PC, Cole SR, Williams C, Li R, Justman J, Cohen M, Young M, Rubin N, Augengraun M, and Grunfeld C. “Incidence of Lipoatrophy and Liohypertrophy in the WIHS.” J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 34:461-466.2003.

20. Anastos K, Barron Y, Cohen M, Greenblatt R, Minkoff H, Levine A, Young M, Gange S. “The Prognostic Importance of Changes in CD4 Cell Count and HIV-1 RNA Level in Women after Initiating HAART Therapy.” Annals of Int. Med. 140;(4):256-264. Feb. 2004.

21. Cohen MH, Cook JA, Grey D, Young M, Hanau L, Tien PC,Levine A, and Wilson T. “Medically Eligible Women not on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy: The Importance of Abuse, Drug Use and Race.” Am J Public Health 2004;94:1147-1151.

22. Siverberg MJ, Gore ME, French A, Gandhi M, Glesby M, Kovacs A, Wilson T, Young M, and Gange S. Prevalence of clinical symptoms associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy in the Women’s Interagency HIV study. Clin Infect Dis 2004;39:717-724

23. Gange S, Schneider M, Grant RM, Liegler T, French A, Young M, Anastos K, Wilson T, Ponth C and GreenblattR. Genotype Resistance and Immunologic Outcomes among HIV-1 Infected Women with Viral Failure. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005 (in press).