Continuing Medical Education

Grand Rounds
Our Departmental Grand Rounds are held every other Thursday alternating between MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar Washington Hospital Center. The National Institutes of Health hosts Grand Rounds on the remaining Thursdays of the month. Patient viewing starts at 8:30 am followed by lecture/discussion from 9:00-10:00 am.
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (first Thursday)
Patient viewing is held on the 5th floor of Pasquerilla Health Center in the Infectious Disease clinic followed by the lecture/discussion in the _______________conference room.
MedStar Washington Hospital Center (third Thursday)
Patient viewing is held in the Admissions Testing Center on the ground floor followed by the lecture/discussion in the conference room on 4-NorthWest.
National Institutes of Health (second and fourth Thursdays)
Patient viewing is held in the Dermatology Clinic on the 13th floor of Building 10 on the NIH campus followed by the lecture/discussion in the conference room on the 11th floor.
D.C. Dermatological Society
Monthly D.C. Dermatologic Society meetings are held on a rotating basis from September to June. Locations include Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University Hospital, National Institutes of Health, Children’s Hospital, National Naval Medical Center, Howard University, and INOVA Fairfax Hospital. Our program is responsible for hosting one or two meetings per year. Schedule and locations are determined at the beginning of each academic year.